AWS IOT Thing Groups (Static VS Dynamic)

AWS IOT Thing Groups (Static VS Dynamic)

AWS IOT Thing Group is a logical group of things to manage several things.

There are two type of Thing Group supported by AWS IOT Core

Static Thing Group:-

A static Thing Group can contain the several things as well as other static group, the devices are added once can not be updated during any on going operation 

Like OTA, 

Dynamic Thing Group:-

On the other hand Dynamic Thing group is a group where we can add multiple things by define a query condition. 

Ex:-  During the OTA Update the list of devices are fixed if we create the OTA on Static Thing Group while if we pass a query to create a dynamic group like do OTA

only on devices which is online. 

Command to create a Static Group:-

$ aws iot create-thing-group --thing-group-name TestStaticGroup

Command to create a Dynamic Group:-  

$ aws iot create-dynamic-thing-group --thing-group-name "RoomTooWarm" --query-string "attributes.temperature>60"

Command to add thing in Static Group:-

$ aws iot add-thing-to-thing-group --thing-name MyLightBulb --thing-group-name RedLights

Command to Delete a Static Group:-

$ aws iot delete-thing-group --thing-group-name "RedLights"

Command to Delete a Dynamic Group:-

$ aws iot delete-dynamic-thing-group --thing-group-name "RoomTooWarm"


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